How it works

This is our comprehensive process to prepare you for the mighty MCAT.

Our goal is to understand who you are as a learner, and then use this information to put you with the best possible teacher for your process.
Match me with a tutor
We’ll ask you about your history with the MCAT and standardized tests in general, your background as a premed, and your preferences as a learner. Then, we will use this information to put you with the best possible tutor for your needs.
Schedule a time to chat
The first few sessions are an opportunity to evaluate your content knowledge, as well as your strengths and weaknesses with respect to the test.
View a sample syllabus
We front load content in our program, focusing on high-yield content areas, because so many students struggle to assimilate all the content that’s on the MCAT.
Check out our instructional videos about high-yield MCAT topics here
Once you have a plan, you’ll have homework to complete, and a practice test schedule to follow. The MCAT is a bear, but students who follow their programs see results.